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 概述                 民語寫作樣本,見本頁下方


    1.英語近似版與 英語非常相似,但有一個例外,精通英語的人不需要任何事先的介紹就可以輕鬆讀懂民語。這是它的優點。但是,如果讀者花一個早上閱讀此網站,那他/她閱讀民 語的能力會大大地提高。英語近似版民語的缺點是,像英語一樣,母語不是英語的學生必須一個一個地記憶數千個不符合基本拼寫規則的例外:數百個不規則的動詞 和復數,數千個不發音卻不可缺少的字母,還有隨意地要求輔音雙寫


    2.發音拼寫一致版SSS)是指單詞的發音和拼寫完全一致:看到SSS版的民語單詞,就知道它的發音。聽到SSS版的民語單詞,就知道它的拼寫。因為 民語SSS版的單詞拼寫是直觀、一致的,所以不管你的母語是不是英語,它都比較簡單易學。這些都是SSS版民語的巨大優勢


     為什麼 會有兩個民語拼寫版本?

    英 語近似版的民語是一個過渡的版本,這樣可以使英語使用者快速熟悉民語較英語而言的諸多優點,正如本網站所詳細介紹的那樣,無需任何的準備工作。完全不懂民 語的英語讀者,讀此版本民語的速度可以跟讀英語一樣快。但是,為了正確書寫英語近似版的民語,像英語一樣,必須死記硬背數千個不符合基本拼寫規則的例外 (枯燥,耗時,經濟成本高)。

    發音拼寫一致版的民語 (SSS) 只要求學生知道民語字母的發音即可,它們與英語字母的發音相同,但是,以下情況除外。                                   

        民語字母 "θ", theta, 代表英語 "th".
民語字母 "x", 代 表英語 "sh".
民語字母 "q", 代 表英語 "ch".
        民語没有字母 "c" .

    民語和英語的元音相同,民語在長元音的上面加了一條線,ā, ē, ī, ō, ū.民語中,一個字母對應一種發音(英語中有26個字母,但有44種發音),因此,民語中你能正確地拼寫所聽到的任何單詞。任何印刷體的單詞,你看到後, 都會知道如何正確地讀出它。但是,缺點是:不像英語近似版,SSS版的拼寫對於英語使用者來說不即時直觀;有時它需要默讀單詞才明白其意思。但是,英語使 用者應該在幾天之內就能比較流利地閱讀SSS版的民語了,經過一兩個星期的練習,會更加流利。相比較而言,學習其他語言,則需要多年的時間


            The continental Europeans who came to the northwestern island of Great Britain brought with them their languages.  During the 5th century AD arrived the Angles and Saxons, whose western Germanic dialects eventually became known as Englisc, to which the Vikings and other northwestern European invaders and settlers added.  During later centuries that language was significantly influenced by the French, Romans, and Greeks.  In the 14th century, when the dominant written languages of government and trade were Latin and French, writer Geoffrey Chaucer penned Canterbury Tales in vernacular Middle English, thereby legitimizing it as England’s new literary language.  Subsequently the so-called Great Vowel Shift altered the pronunciation, resulting in what is called Modern English. 
            Beginning approximately in the 17th century, Englishmen colonized much of North America, South Asia, Australia, and eastern Africa, thereby establishing English as the defacto lingua franca in those regions.  Colonization by other Europeans (Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, etc.) was less expansive.
            During the19th and 20th centuries English-speaking men invented telephones, airplanes, and a global electronic network, resulting in a worldwide transportation and communication revolution.  English thus became the language of aviation and the Internet.  Rampant acceleration in business and tourism, in a world with more than 6,000 languages, necessitated a single language.  Chinese, with the most speakers, but a tonal language with no alphabet, was too difficult for most foreigners to learn.  Hindi and continental European languages were awash with required ever-changing word-endings.  By the start of the 21st century English, despite its thousands of irregular spelling and word forms, and a constantly expanding vocabuary of over a million words, was becoming the international language by default.
            The stage was set for the advent of Peoplese.

民語 / 英語近似版:
            Continental Europeans who come۔d to the north∙western island of Britai bring۔d with they they's languages.  Dur 5th century CE arrive۔d Angles and Saxons, whose western Germanic dialects eventual۔ly become۔d know۔d as Englisc, to which Vikings and other north∙western European invade۔ors and settle۔ors add۔d.  Dur later centurys that language wuz significant۔ly influence۔d by Francans, Romans, and Hellasans.  Dur 14th century, when the dominant written languages of government and commerce wuz Latin and France۔ese, write۔ort Geoffrey Chaucer pen۔d Canterbury Tales in vernacular Middle England۔ese, thereby legitimize۔ing it as England’s new literary language.  Subsequent۔ly the socall Great Vowel Shift alter۔d pronunciation, result۔ing in what iz dub۔d Modern English.
            Begin۔ing ap 17th century, English۔mans colonize۔d much of North America, South Asia, Australia, and eastern Africa, thereby establish۔ing England۔ese as the defacto linguafranca in those regions.  Colonization by other Europens (Espanyans, Portugalans, Francens, Nederlandans) wuz less expansive.
            Dur 19th and 20th centurys England۔ese-speak۔ing mans invent۔d telephones, airplanes, and a global electronic network, result۔ing in a planet۔around transportation and communication grandtransformation.  England۔ese thus become۔d the language of aviation and Internet.  Rampant acceleration in commerce and tourism, on a planet with more than 6,000 languages, necessitate۔d a single language.  China۔ese, with the most speak۔ors, but a tonal language with no alphabet, was too difficult for most foreignors to learn.  Hindi۔ese and continental Europen languages were awash with require۔d ever-change۔ing word-endings.  By early 21st century England۔ese, despite its thousands of non۔regular spellings and word forms, and a constantl۔y expand۔ing vocabulary to more than one-million words, wuz become۔ing the international language by default.
            The stage wuz set for the advent of Peoplese.

民語 / 發音拼寫一致版:
            Kontinentel Yūrōpens hū kum۔d tū θe nōrθ∙western īland ov Briten bring۔d wiθ θ
ā θā’s langwaj۔s.  Dūr 5θ senqurē CE arīv۔d Anglos and Saksens, hūz western Jermanik dīelekts evenqūalē bēkum۔d nō۔d az Englisc, tū wiq Vīkings and oθer nōrθ∙western Yūrōpen invād۔ōrs and setel۔ōrs ad۔d.  Dūr lāter senqū۔s θat langwaj wuz signífikent۔lē ínflūens۔d bī Fransens, Rōmans, and Helasans.  Dūr 14θ senqūrē, wen θe dominent riten langwaj۔s ov goverment and komers wuz Latin and Frans۔ēz, rīt۔ort Geoffrey Qhauqer pen۔d Qanterbury Tales in vernakyūler Midel Ingland۔ēz, θerbī lejítemīz۔ing it az England’s nū lítererē langwaj. Subsikwent۔lē θe sōkald Grāt Voel Xift alter۔d pronunsēāxun, rēzult۔ing in wut iz dub۔d Modern Ingland۔ēz.
            Bēgin۔ing ap17θ senqūrē, Englix۔mans kolen
ē۔īz۔d muq ov Nōrθ Amerika, Sawθ Amerika, Ostrālya, and ēstern Áfrika, θerbī establix۔ing England۔eze az θe dēfaktō lingwafranka in θōz rējens.  Kolonīzāxun bī oθer Yūropens (Espanyans, Porqūgalans, Fransens, Nederlandans) wuz les ekspansiv.
           Dūr 19θ and 20θ sensqūrēs Ingland۔ēz-spēk۔ors invent۔ed telefōns, ārplāns, and a globel elektronik netwerk, rēsult۔ing in a planet-around transportaxun and komyūnekaxun grand∙transfermāxen.  England۔ēz θus bekom۔d θe langwaj ov āvēāxun and internet.  Rampent akselerāxun in komers and tūrizim, on ā planet wiθ mōr θan 6,000 lankwaj
۔s, nesesitate۔d ā singel langwaj.  Qīna۔ēz, wiθ θe mōst spēk۔ors, but a tōnel langwaj wiθ nō alfabet, wuz tū dífikult fōr mōst  fōrenors tū lern.  Hindē۔ēz and kontinentel Yūropen langwaj۔s wuz awax wiθ rēkwīre۔d word-endings.  Bī erlē 21st senqūrē England۔ēz, despīt it’s θousands of non۔regyeler spel۔in۔s and word fōrm۔s, and ā konstentlē ekspand۔ing vōkábyulerē ov mōr θan 1,000,000 word۔s, wuz bēkom۔ing θe internaxunal langwaj bī dēfalt.
           Θe stāj wuz set fōr θe advent of Pēpolēz.
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