formed of two words, but they fail to meet the mid-dot standard, which
is: if you know the meaning of the two words, you know the
meaning of a
mid-dot word, e.g. "gun·boat".
The first choice when creating a new word is a mid-dot word, where no
memorization is required. Second choice is good
compound-word. Compound words are good when they are easy to
remember, add color to the language (e.g. "cocktail"), preserve
cultural heritage, leave a nice feeling ("afterglow") and/or have a
pleasant sound.. Two-word combinations that don't quite meet
mid-dot standards are often good compound
Mediocre compound-words are comprised of words whose meaning, taken
togehter, is different from the meaning of the compound word.
Therefore they are comfusing, and difficult to remember. Usable
now, but best to phase them out of Peoplese language.
Poor compound words mislead - suggest erroneous meanings Avoid if