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Основные компоненты

Субстантивированные прилагательные 1

Субстантивированные прилагательные обозначают признак / описание существительного. Сродни английским "прилагательным", которые, помимо этого, могут обозначать и признак / описание прилагательного. 
Колонка A:  различные субстантивированные прилагательные
Колонка B:  субстантивированные прилагательные с окончанием -y.  Это окончание используется в субстантивированных прилагательных по умолчанию. Обратите внимание, что слово-основа не меняет своего написания. 
Колонка C:  субстантивированные прилагательные, взятые из английских причастий прошедшего времени. (В Пиполиз причастия отсутствуют.)

                             A                                                                       B                                                                   C  
abnormal non۔normal ..... abashed abash۔y ..... beloved belove
according accordin
abiding abide۔y
bent bent
agape agape
accompanying accompany۔y
bitten bitten
air worthy flyworthy
achy ache۔y
born born
ankle-length ankle۔length
acidy acid۔y
broke broke
ankle-long ankle۔long
adjoining adjoin۔y
broken broken
anti-aircraft anti۔aircraft
admiring admire۔y
chosen chosen
anti-Chinese anti۔Chinan
advanced advance۔y
clad clad
anti-communist anti۔communist
aged age۔y
downtrodden downtrodden
antidepressant anti۔mood·depression
agonizing agonize۔y
drunken drunken
anti-government anti۔government
alarmed alarm۔y
fallen fallen
anti-semitic antisemitic
alarming alarm۔y
forbidden forbidden
anti-social anti۔social
alluring allure۔y
forsaken forsaken
anti-war anti۔war
amazing amaze۔y
foreseen foreseen
apolitical non۔political
angry anger۔y
found found
apropos apropo
anguished anguish۔y
frozen frozen
asexual non۔sexual
annoying annoy۔y
given given
ashamed ashameful
antiquated antiquate۔y
grown grown
assistant assistant
apogean apogee۔y
half۔grown half۔grown
asymmetrical non۔symmetrical
appealing appeal۔y
handwritten hand·written
aweigh away
appetizing appetize۔y
hidden hidden
backside back۔side
approaching approach۔y
known known
balloon-size balloon۔size
approve۔ing approve۔y
laden laden
banana-shape banana·shape
armed weapon۔y
lost lost
basketrball-size basketball۔size
ashamed ashame۔y
misspoken misspoken
bay-side bay۔side
asphalted  asphalt۔y
mistaken mistaken
beach-side beach۔side
astonish۔ing astonish۔y
unwritten non۔written
beautiful beautyful
astonishing astonish۔y
paid paid
bedside bed۔side
astounding astound۔y
proven proven
beloved belove
attended attend۔y
rewritten re۔written
belowground below۔ground
autumnal autumn۔y
rotten rotten
bighearted generous
backsliding backslide۔y
scared frightened
bird's-eye birdseye
baffling baffle۔y
shaken shaken
bisexual ambi۔sexual
baggy bag۔y
shaven shaven
bitesize bite۔size
barebreasted bare۔breast۔y
spoken spoken
blasé blase
bare-breasted bare۔breast۔y
stolen stolen
boatload boat۔load
barefooted bare·foot۔y
stricken stricken
bona fide bonafide
bare-footed bare·foot۔y
stuck stuck
book-length book۔length
baritonal baritone۔y
swollen swollen
book-size book۔size
beady bead۔y
tourist tourist
bound bound
bearded beard۔y
unbeknown unbeknown
bountiful bountyful
beastly beast۔y
unbroken non۔broken
brainy intelligent
bedroomed bed·room۔y
unknown unknown
brand-new compete۔by new
beery beer۔y
unshaven non۔shaven
bright bright
befuddled befuddle۔y
unspoken non۔spoken
brut dry
belated belate۔y
worn worn
bumper bumper
belittling belittle۔y
woven woven
bunny-like bunny۔alike
biannual bi۔year۔y
written written
calf-length calf۔length
bimonthly bi۔month۔y

callous callous
binding bind۔y

carbonated carbonate۔y
biweekly bi۔week۔y

casket-size casket۔size
black-haired black-hairs۔y

chest-high chest۔high
blarring blare۔y

city-ward city۔ward
blended blend۔y

cliffside cliff۔side
blimpy blimp۔y

close knit closeknit
blizzardly blizzard۔y

closeby close·by
blond-haired blond-hairs۔y

cloud-high cloud۔high
bloody blood۔y

coarse roughcoarse
blurry blur۔y

codominant co۔dominant
blushing blush۔y

coeducational co۔educational
bodily body۔y

coexistent co۔existent
boney bone۔y

coextensive co۔extensive
boring bore۔y

cold cold
bosomy bosom۔y

coldblooded coldbloody
bothered bother۔y

coldhearted coldhearty
bottled bottle۔y

complicated complex
bouncing bounce۔y

comprehensive inclusive
brambly bramble۔y

continent-wide continent۔wide
brassy brass۔y

cordate heart·shape
brassy brass۔y

costly expensive
breasted breasts۔y

counter-productive un۔productive
breathtaking     breathtake۔y

crescent-shape crescent۔shape
breezy breeze۔y

current present
bricked bricks۔y

dark dark
bridal bride۔y

de facto defacto
brimmed brim۔y

de jure dejure
brokenhearted brokeneheart۔y

de rigueur derigueur
brotherly brother۔y

deafening ultra۔loud
brown-haired brown-hairs۔y

deathlike death۔alike
bubbly bubble۔y

dedicatory dedicative
bug-eyed bugeyes۔y

desk-top desk۔top
bulging bulge۔y

disapproval un۔approval
bulky bulk۔y

discontinuous non۔continuous
bumpy bump۔y

discrete separate
bushy bush۔y

dishonest un۔honest
bustling bustle۔y

dislike un۔like
busty bust۔y

disobedient un۔obedient
cactusy cactus۔y

displeased unhappy
calculous calculus۔y

disrespectful un۔respectful
calloused callous۔y

dissatisfactory un۔satisfactory
calloused callouse۔y

dissimilar non۔similar
carpeted carpet۔y

donkey-load donkey۔load
ceilingy ceilin۔y

dozens tens
challenging challenge۔y

dumb dumb
charming charm۔y

dumb stupid
chatty chat۔y

dumbounded dumboundy
cherished cherish۔y

dustproof dust۔proof
chested chest۔y

dutiful dutyful
chiding chide۔y

dysfunctional non۔functional
chilly chill۔y

eastbound east۔bound
Chinese Chinan۔y

easygoing easygoin
choking choke۔y

eerie eery
choral chorus۔y

eightieth eightyeth
clayey clay۔y

elderly old
climactic climax۔y

electronically-savvy ee۔savvy
clogged clog۔y

envious envyous
cloudy cloud۔y

ex nihilo exnihilo
cluttered clutter۔y

expected expecty
coaxing coax۔y

extra-large ultra۔large
colored color۔y

eye-size eye۔size
competing compete۔y

fainthearted fainthearty
complaining complain۔y

fanciful fancyful
complaisant oblige۔y

far-fetched farfetch
comprehending comprehend۔y

far-flung farflung
comradely comrader۔y

farseeing farsightful
conceited conceit۔y

fast fast
confirm۔ing nod confirm۔y

fiftieth fiftyeth
confounded confound۔y

fine fine
confusing confuse۔y

fingernail-thick fingernail۔thick
consuming consume۔y

finger-thick finger۔thick
contorted contort۔y

finger-wide finger۔wide
convincing convince۔y

fireplace-size fireplace۔size
coordinated coordinate۔y

fist-size fist۔size
corrugated corrugate۔y

following next
coveted covet۔y

following subsequent
cowardly coward۔y

foot-wide foot۔wide
creaky creak۔y

forcible forceful
creamy cream۔y

forearm-length forearm۔length
crispy crisp۔y

forearm-size formarm۔size
crisscrossing crisscross۔y

foregone foregone
croaky croak۔y

fortieth fourtyeth
cross-legged crossleg۔y

forty fourty
crowded crowd۔y

funny humorous
crumbling crumble۔y

garden-size garden۔size
crumbly crumb۔y

gay gay
crumby crumb۔y

general general 
crummy crum۔y

generational birthcyclical
crumpled crumple۔y

grieving grevious
crusty crust۔y

grudging grudgin
cubical cube·shape۔y

gung ho gungho
cuddly cuddle۔y

half-asleep half۔asleep
curdling curdle۔y

half-blind half۔blind
curly curl۔y

half-dead half۔dead
curvy curve۔y

half-empty half۔empty
cushiony cushion۔y

half-full half۔full
cutting cut۔y

halfhearted halfhearty
cylinder-shaped cylinder۔shape۔y

half-meter half۔meter
daily day۔y

half-naked half۔naked
damning damn۔y

half-square half۔square
dangling dangle۔y

half-tonne half۔dun
dastardly dastard۔y

halfway half۔way
daunting daunt۔y

hand-size hand۔size
dazzling dazzle۔y

hand-wide hand۔wide
dearly dear۔y

happy go lucky happygolucky
decreasing decrease۔y

hard-core hardcore
dejected deject۔y

headfirst head first
demanding demand۔y

head-size head۔size
demented dement۔y

high-strung highstrung
deserty desert۔y

highstrung  highstrung
determined determine۔y

historical historic
devastated devastate۔y

holistic wholeistic
devoted devote۔y

homemade homemade
dewy dew۔y

hooklike hook۔alike
dilapidated dilapidate۔y

humane mercyful
dirty dirt۔y

hundreds-fold hundreds۔fold
disadvantaged un۔advantage۔y

hunkey-dory hunkydory
disaffected non۔satisfy۔y

hyptatonic hyptatonic
disappointing disappoint۔y

illegal un۔legal
disappointing disappoint۔y

illegitimate un۔legitimate
discerning discern۔y

illiberal un۔liberal
disconcerting disconcert۔y

illiterate non۔literate
discouraging discourage۔y

illogical non۔logical
discriminating discriminate۔y

illogical un۔logical
disenfranchised dis۔enfranchise۔y

immobile non۔mobile
disgruntled disgruntle۔y

immoderate un۔moderate
disguised disguse۔y

immoral un۔moral
disgusting disgust۔y

impalpable non۔palpable
disheartened deject۔y

impatient un۔patient
disheveled dishevel۔y

imperceptive non۔perceptive
disinterested disinterest۔y

imperfect non۔perfect
dismantled dis۔assemble۔y

imperfection non۔perfection
disorderly disorder۔y

implausible non۔plausable
disquieting disquiet۔y

importable non۔portable
dissatisfied un۔satisfi۔y

impractical non۔practical
distinguished distinguish۔y

imprecise non۔precise
distressing distress۔y

impregnable non۔pregnable
doggy dog۔y

improbable non۔probable
dopey dope۔y

improper un۔proper
doting dote۔y

impure non۔pure
doughy dough۔y

inaccurate non۔accurate
downhearted sadheart۔y

inactive non۔active
downturned downturn۔y

inadequate non۔adequate
drafty draft۔y

inadmissible non۔admissable
dreamy dream۔y

inadventurous non۔adventurous
droopy droop۔y

inaesthetic non۔aesthetic
drowsy drowse۔y

inambitious non۔ambitious
dumbfounded dumbfound۔y

inanimate non۔animate
dusty dust۔y

inapparent non۔apparent
earthly earth۔y

inapplicable non۔applicable
earthy earth۔y

inappreciative non۔appreciative
educated educate۔y

inapprehensible non۔apprehensable
egoic ego۔y

inapprehensive non۔apprehensive
emaciated emaciate۔y

inappropriate non۔appropriate
embarrassing embarrass۔y

inapt non۔apt
embroidered embroider۔y

inarticulate non۔articulate
emerging emerge۔y

inartistic non۔artistic
encouraging encourage۔y

inattentive non۔attentive
endearing endear۔y

inauspicious un۔auspicious
ending end۔y

inauthentic non۔authentic
enduring endure۔y

inauthoritative non۔authoritative
engrossing engross۔y

incapable non۔capable
enlightened enlighten۔y

incautious non۔cautious
enterprising enterprise۔y

incoherent non۔coherent
enticing entice۔y

incohesive non۔cohesive
erring err۔y

incombustible combustable
especially especial۔y

incommensurate non۔commensurate
essentially essential۔y

incommunicative non۔communicative
even-tempered even-temper۔y

incompetent non۔competent
everlasting everlast۔y

incomplete non۔complete
exceeding excessive

incompletive non۔completive
excited excite۔y

incomplex non۔complex
exciting excite۔y

incomprehensive non۔comprehensive
excruciating excruciate۔y

incomunicating non۔comunicative
exhausted exhaust۔y

inconclusive non۔conclusive
exhilarating exhilarate۔y

inconcrete non۔concrete
existing exist۔y

incongruent non۔congruent
expected expect۔y

inconsequent non۔consequent
eyed eyes۔y

inconsequential non۔consequential
faced face۔y

inconsiderate un۔considerate
facinating facinate۔y

inconsistent non۔consistent
faded fade۔y

inconspicuous non۔conspicuous
failing fail۔y

inconvenient inconvenient
fainthearted faintheart۔y

incorrect un۔correct
famished famish۔y

incredulous non۔credulous
farfetched farfetch۔y

inculpable non۔culpable
farty fart۔y

indecent un۔decent
fascinating fascinate۔y

indecorous non۔decorous
fashionable fashion۔y

indefinite non۔definite
fashionably fashion۔y

indeterminate non۔determinate
fatherly father۔y

indirect non۔direct
fattening fatten۔y

indiscreet non۔discreet
fatty fat۔y

indiscriminate non۔discriminate
faulty fault۔y

indiscriminative non۔discriminative
fidgety fidget۔y

indistinct non۔distinct
fiery fire۔y

ineffective non۔effective
filthy filth۔y

ineffectual non۔effectual
fishy fish۔y

inefficient non۔efficient
fitting appropriate

inelastic non۔elastic
fitting fit۔y

inelegant non۔elegant
flabbergasted flabbergast۔y

ineloquent non۔eloquent
flabby flab۔y

inequal non۔equal
flaming flame۔y

inexact non۔exact
flappy flap۔y

inexpensive non۔expensive
flaring flare۔y

inexperience non۔experience
flat-chested flat·chest۔y

inexplicit non۔explicit
fleeting fleet۔y

inexplosive non۔explosive
flirty flirt۔y

inexpressive non۔expressive
floor۔level۔y floors۔level۔y

infamous notorious
floppy flop۔y

infertile non۔fertile
flowered flower۔y

inflammable flammable
flowery flower۔y

infrequent non۔frequent
flowing flow۔y

inglorious un۔glorious
fluffy fluff۔y

ingrateful non۔grateful
fluttering flutter۔y

inharmonic non۔harmonic
foamy foam۔y

inharmonious non۔harmonious
foggy fog۔y

inhospitable un۔hospitable
folding fold۔y

in-house inhouse
foliaged foliage۔y

injudicious non۔judicious
following follow۔y

injust un۔just
footed foot۔y

inobtrusive non۔obtrusive
foppish fop۔y

inoperable non۔operable
forbidden forbid۔y

inoperative non۔operative
forested forest۔y

insanitary un۔sanitary
foresty forest۔y

insatiate un۔satiate
forgiving forgive۔y

insensitive un۔sensitive
forthcoming forthcome۔y

insignificant non۔significant
four-story four-floor۔level۔y

insincere non۔sincere
frazzled frazzle۔y

insociable un۔sociable
freckly freckle۔y

insolvent insolvent
freezing freeze۔y

instable un۔stable
friendly friend۔y

insubstantial non۔substantial
frightened frighten۔y

insufficient non۔sufficient
froggy frog۔y

in-sync insync
frosty frost۔y

intangible un۔tangible
frowning frown۔y

intemperate non۔temperate
frustrated frustrate۔y

inter-region interregion
frustrating frustrate۔y

intolerant un۔tolerant
fulfilled fulfill۔y

intractable intractable
fuming fume۔y

intramolecular intra۔molecular
fungous fungus۔y

intranation intra۔nation
furrowed furrow۔y

intranational intra۔national
furry fur۔y

intransient un۔transient
fussy fuss۔y

intraspecies intra۔species
galling gall۔y

invaluable invaluable
gaping gap۔y

involuntary non۔voluntary
gappy gap۔y

ipso facto ipsofacto
gasping gasp۔y

ipso jure dejure
gaudy gaud۔y

irrational un۔rational
generational birthcycle۔y

irregular non۔regular
gentlemanlike gentleman۔y

irrelevant non۔relevant
gentlemanly gentleman۔y

irreligious un۔religious
ghostly ghost۔y

irresponsible un۔responsible
giggly giggle۔y

irreversible un۔reversible
gilled gills۔y

jagged jaggy
glaring glare۔y

jam-pack jampack
glazey glaze۔y

jam-packed jampack
gleaming gleam۔y

just just
glimmering glimmer۔y

just mere۔ly
glittery glitter۔y

just only
gloomy gloom۔y

kind kind
gloriously glorious۔ly

kindliness benevolence
glossy gloss۔y

kindness benevolence
glowing glow۔y

king-size king۔size
gnarly gnarl۔y

knee-deep knee۔deep
gnawing gnaw۔y

knee-high knee۔high
godly god۔y

knee-length knee۔length
good natured goodnature۔y

knowledgeable knowledgeful
goodhearted goodheart۔y

lakeside lake۔side
good-natured goodnature۔y

large-size large۔size
gooey goo۔y

last last
goofy goof۔y

last ditch lastditch
gory gore۔y

last minute lastminute
gossipy gossip۔y

last straw lastraw
grainy grain۔y

Latin Latin
grandfatherly grandfather۔y

lay non۔clergical
grandmotherly grandmother۔y

leg-long leg۔long
grasping grasp۔y

less and less less then less
grassy grass۔y

lifelong life۔long
gratifying gratify۔y

lightheartedly lighthearty
grating grate۔y

like alike
gravelly gravel۔y

likely probable
greasy grease۔y

lionhearted lionhearty
greedy greed۔y

liter-size liter۔size
groovy groove۔y

long long
groping grope۔y

long-lost longlost
groveling grovel۔y

long-term longterm
grumpy grump۔y

long-winded longwindy
grungy grunge۔y

loose loose
guilty guilt۔y

lopsided lopside
gunpowdery gunpowder۔y

louder and louder loud۔er then loud۔er
gushing gush۔y

loving loveful
gusty gust۔y

low-key lowkey
haired hairs۔y

lowly lowly
hairy hairs۔y

luxurious luxuryous
handicapped handicap۔y

macroclimatic macro۔climatic
handled handle۔y

macrocosmic macro۔cosmic
hard-working hard-work۔y

macrocyclic macro۔cyclic
hasty haste۔y

macroeconomic macro۔economic
hazy haze۔y

macroevolutionary macro۔evolutionary
healthy health۔y

man high man۔high 
hearted heart۔y

man-high man۔high 
heartwarming heartwarm۔y

meal-size meal۔size
heavenly heaven۔y

measly measy
heeled heel۔y

medium medium
hefty heft۔y

medium-size medium۔size
hilly hill۔y

mega-scale mega۔scale
hinged hinge۔y

mega-wave mega۔wave
holey hole۔y

merciful mercyful
homey home۔y

microanalytical micro۔analytical
hourly hour۔y

microanatomic micro۔anatomic
humiliated humialate۔y

microbiological micro۔biological
hungry hunger۔y

microcephalic micro۔cephalic
icy ice۔y

microcosmic micro۔cosmic
iffy if۔y

microcosmical micro۔cosmical
illuminated illuminate۔y

microcrystalline micro۔crystalline
impending impend۔y

microeconomic micro۔economic
impoverish۔d impoverish۔y

microelectronic micro۔electronic
incinerating incinerate۔y

microelectronical micro۔electronical
increasing increase۔y

microelectrophoretic micro۔electrophoretic
incriminating incriminate۔y

microenvironmental micro۔environmental
indwelling indwell۔y

microevolutionary micro۔evolutionary
infested infest۔y

microfloral micro۔floral
infuriated infuriate۔y

microminiature micro۔miniature
insulting insult۔y

micropaleontological micro۔paleontological
interesting interest۔y

microphotographic micro۔photographic
intersecting intersect۔y

microrelief micro۔relief
intertwining intertwine۔y

microseismic micro۔seismic
intervening intervene۔y

microseismical micro۔seismical
intoxicating intoxicate۔y

microsporic micro۔sporic
intriguing intrigue۔y

microsurgical micro۔surgical
invariable non·change۔y

mid-afternoon mid۔afternoon
invigorating invigorate۔y

midair mid۔air
inviting invite۔y

mid-autumn mid۔autumn
iritated irritate۔y

midbrain mid۔brain
irritative irritate۔y

mid-calf-length mid۔calf۔length
isolated isolate۔y

mid-century mid۔century
itchy itch۔y

midcontinent mid۔continent
jeering jeer۔y

midday mid۔day
jesting jest۔y

middleclass mid·socialclass
jiggling jiggle۔y

mid-eighteenth mid۔eighteenth
jittery jitter۔y

mid-lake mid۔lake
jolting jolt۔y

mid-month mid۔mon
juicy juice۔y

midnight mid۔night
jungly jungle۔y

mid-nineteenth mid۔nineteenth
kindhearted kindheart۔y

mid-nineteenth century mid۔nineteenth century kingly king۔y

mid-plaza mid۔plaza
kinky kink۔y

midrange mid۔range
knobby knob۔y

midriver mid۔river
lacey lace۔y

midseason mid۔season
laggardly laggard۔y

mid-song mid۔song
laned lanes۔y

mid-spring mid۔spring
lasting endure۔y

midstream mid۔stream
leafy leaf۔y

mid-street mid۔street
leaky leak۔y

midsummer mid۔summer
leathery leather۔y

midterm mid۔term
leering leer۔y

mid-thigh mid۔thigh
leisurely leisure۔y

midtown mid۔town
lengthy length۔y

mid-twenties  mid۔twentys 
level-head۔d level-head۔y

mid-twenty-first mid۔twenty-first
levelheaded levelhead۔y

midway mid۔way
level-headed level۔head۔y

midweek mid۔week
levely level۔y

midwinter mid۔winter
lighthearted lightheart۔y

mid-workweek mid۔workweek
like-minded alike·mind۔y

mid-year mid۔year
lingering linger۔y

mini-pause mini۔pause
lipped lip۔y

minute minuscule
lipsticked lipstick۔y

more and more more then more
lisping lisp۔y

multi-aspectual multi۔aspectual
littered litter۔y

multicultural multi۔cultural
lively live۔y

multi-ethnic multi۔ethnic
long-lasting longlasty۔y

multi-fold multi۔fold
long-sleeved long-sleeves۔y

multilateral multi۔lateral
longstanding longstand۔y

multinational multi۔national
long-standing longstand۔y

multi-racial multi۔racial
loving love۔y

multi-speed multi۔speed
lucky luck۔y

naïve naive
lumpy lump۔y

near-east near·east
malnourished malnourish۔y

newfangled newfangle 
manly man۔y

next door nextdoor
mannered manner۔y

ninetieth ninetyeth
manufacturing manufacture۔y

no doubt nodoubt
masterly master۔y

nonchemical non۔chemical
matching match۔y

noncommittal non۔committal
matronly matron۔y

noncompliant non۔compliant
matted mat۔y

noncompulsory non۔compulsory
meandering meander۔y

non-conceptual non۔conceptual
meaty animalmeat۔y

nonconcrete non۔concrete
menacing menace۔y

nonconformity non۔conformity
mentally mental۔y

non-constrictive non۔constrictive
mentholated mentholate۔y

noncontagious non۔contagious
messy mess۔y

noncustomary non۔customary
metally metal۔y

nondiscriminatory non۔discriminatory
mid-aged mid۔age۔y

nondrinking non۔drink۔in
middle-aged mid۔age۔y

nonentity non۔entity
midweekly mid۔week۔y

nonessential non۔essential
mighty might۔y

nonevent non۔event
milktoasty milktoast۔y

nonexistent non۔existent
milky milk۔y

non-factory non۔factory
millenary millinnium۔y

nonfatal non۔existent
mind-boggling mind·boggle۔y

nonfatal non۔fatal
minded mind۔y

nonfiction non۔fiction
misleading mislead۔y

nonfictional non۔fictional
misty mist۔y

nonfunctional non۔functional
mocking mock۔y

nonglossy non۔glossy
moldy mold۔y

non-grammatical non۔grammatical
monthly month۔y

non-gregarious non۔gregarious
moody mood۔y

nonhazardous non۔hazardous
moon lighted moon·light۔y

noninclusive non۔inclusive
motherly mother۔y

noninterfering non۔interfer۔ing
mountaineous mountain۔y

noninterventionist non۔interventionist
mousy mouse۔y

nonjudgmental non۔judgemental
mucous mucus۔y

non-lethal non۔lethal
mudded muddle۔y

nonlinear non۔linear
muddy mud۔y

nonliteral non۔literal
muffled muffle۔y

nonliving non۔living
multi-colored multi۔color۔y

nonmanufacturing non۔manufacture۔in
murky murk۔y

nonmatching non۔matching
muscly muscle۔y

nonmaterialstic non۔materialistic
mushy mush۔y

non-negative non۔negative
mustached   mustache۔y

no-no nono
nagging nag۔y

nonpartisan non۔partisan
narrow-minded narrow-mind۔y

non-personal non۔personal
neaderthaly neaderthal۔y

nonphysical non۔physical
neanderthaly neanderthal۔y

nonprofessional non۔professional
needy need۔y

nonprofit non۔profit
neighboring neighbor۔y

nonprofitmaking non۔profit·make۔ing
nerdy nerd۔y

non-promiscuous non۔promiscuous
nesty nest۔y

nonreactive non۔reactive
neuseating nauseate9y

nonreligious non۔religious
never-ending neverend۔y

nonrepresentational non۔representational
newsy news۔y

nonrestrictive non۔restrictive
nightly night۔y

nonsensical non۔sensical
nitpicky nitpick۔y

non-serious non۔serious
noisy noise۔y

nonsexual non۔sexual
non۔complain۔ing non۔complain۔y

non-sexy non۔sexy
non۔pollute۔d non۔pollute۔y

nonspeaking non۔speak۔ing
non۔precedent۔d non۔precedent۔y

nonspecific non۔specific
nonchanging non۔change۔y

nonspiritual non۔spiritual
nonconforming non۔conform۔y

nonstandard non۔standard
non-discerning non۔discern۔y

nonstick non۔stick
non-disguised non۔disguise۔y

nonstop non۔stop
nonfattening non۔fat۔y

nonterminal non۔terminal
nonfattening non۔fatten۔y

nontoxic non۔toxic
non-forgiving non۔forgive۔y

non-transformational non۔transformational
non-matching non۔match۔y

non-translucent non۔translucent
non-matching non۔match-y

nontrusting non۔trust۔ing
non-rainy non۔rain-y

nontruthful non۔truthful
nonthreatening non۔threaten۔y

nonviolent non۔violent
normally normal۔y

north·north·western north·north·western
nuanced nuance۔y

northbound north۔bound
numbing numb۔y

northcentral northcentral
nutty nut۔y

northernpole northernpole
occidental occident۔y

not-condusive non۔conducive
old-fashioned oldfashion۔y

ocean-side ocean۔side
opening open۔y

off-white white-ish
open-minded open·mind۔y

on board  onboard
orderly order۔y

out of sync non۔sync
organizational org۔y

out-of-sync outsync
oriental orient۔y

overcomplicated overcomplex
otherworldly other·world۔y

overdue past·due
outgoing outgo۔y

painstaking painstakey
outstanding outstand۔y

palm-size palm۔size
overcrowded overcrowd۔y

par excellence parexcellence
overhanging overhang۔y

part time partime
overlapping overlap۔y

pent-up pent
overpopulated overpopulate۔y

people-size people۔size
oversized oversize۔y

per capita percapita
overwhelming overwhelm۔y

philosophical philosophic
painted paint۔y

pitiful pityful
paintstakingly painstake۔y

pleased pleased
panicky panic۔y

plentiful plentyful
parked park۔y

pocket-size pocket۔size
parting depart۔y

point-blank pointblank
paved pavement۔y

pole-top pole۔top
pearly pearl۔y

poolside pool۔side
pebbly pebble۔y

post-colonial post۔colonial
peppy pep۔y

post-death post۔death
perfumy perfume۔y

post-exodus post۔exodus
perplexing perflex۔y

postgraduate post۔graduate
perspiring perspire۔y

post-physical post۔physical
pesty pest۔y

pre-adolescent pre۔adolescent
phospherous phosphorus۔y

pre-born pre۔born
pimply pimple۔y

precast pre۔cast
pleading plead۔y

pre-ceremony pre۔ceremony
pleural pleura۔y

preconscious pre۔conscious
poika dotted polkadot۔y

prehistoric pre۔historic
pointed point۔y

prehuman pre۔human
polluted  pollute۔y

pre-Jesus pre۔Jesus
potbellied potbelly۔y

premarital pre۔marital
potholed pothole۔y

prenatal pre۔natal
powdery powder۔y

pre-sunrise pre۔sun·rise
praiseworthy praise·worth۔y

pre-trial pre۔lawcourtrial
predominantly main۔y

pricey expensive
prickly prick۔y

prima donna primadona
princely prince۔y

pro-war pro۔war
princessly princess۔y

quasi-human quasi۔human
privileged privilege۔y

quasi-legal quasi۔legal
probing probe۔y

quasi-secret quasi۔secret
promising promise۔y

quasi-surreptitious quasi۔surreptitious
protruding protrude۔y

quasi-taboo quasi۔taboo
prudish prude۔y

queen-size queen۔size
prying pry۔y

rearside rear۔side
pudgy pudge۔y

red-handed redhandy
puggish pug۔y

repeated repetitive
pupiled pupil۔y

retarded retardy
purported purport۔y

revolutionary grand·transformational
pushy push۔y

right correct
puzzling puzzle۔y

risqué risque
quarterly quarter۔y

riverside river۔side
queenly queen۔y

roof-high roof۔high
quick-tempered quick-temper۔y

round trip both·ways
ragged rag۔y

rugged rugged
raging rage۔y

same same samesame
rainy rain۔y

same-as-before samesame
raspy rasp۔y

seemly appropriate
ravishing ravish۔y

self-assertive self۔assertive
ravishing ultra۔beautiful

self-aware self۔aware
reassuring reassure۔y

self-confident self۔confident
recessed recess۔y

self-conscious self۔conscious
recording record۔y

self-destructive self۔destructive
recurring recur۔y

self-effacing self۔effasive
red-haired red-hairs۔y

self-evident self۔evident
redheaded redhead۔y

self-fertile self۔fertile
reflexed reflex۔y

self-first-person selfirst
refreshing refresh۔y

self-important self۔important
reigning reign۔y

self-made self۔make۔d
related kin۔y

self-referential self۔referential
relaxed relax۔y

self-righteous self۔righteous
remaining remain۔y

self-satisfied complacent
revived revive۔y

self-sufficient self۔sufficient
revolutionary grand·transformation۔y

semi-arid semi۔arid
rimmed rim۔y

semi-conscious semi۔conscious
risky risk۔y

seventieth seventyeth
rocky rock۔y

shin-length shin۔length
roofed roof۔y

short-sleeve short۔sleeve
roomy spacious

shoulder-length shoulder۔length
rosy rose۔y

sixtieth sixtyeth
roundly round۔ly

sizable large
rousing rouse۔y

sizeable large
rubbery rubber۔y

small-size small۔size
ruling rule۔y

so-called socald
rusty rust۔y

southbound south۔bound
rutted rut۔y

speciescidal specysidal
saggy sag۔y

spoilled spoilt
salty salt۔y

spoon-size spoon۔size
sandaled sandal۔y

stable stable
sandy sand۔y

stained-glass stainglass
satisfying satisfy۔y

standoffish aloof
scanty scant۔y

stern stern
scary scare۔y

sub-administrative sub۔administrative
scholarly scholar۔y

sub-social-class sub-socialclass
scorching scorch۔y

substandard below۔standard
Scottish Scotland۔y

super-duper superduper
scraggy scrag۔y

super-fun super۔fun
scratchy scratch۔y

supernatural super·natural
screechy screech۔y

super-special super۔special
scrubby scrub۔y

superstardom super۔stardom
scummy scrum۔y

swimming-pool-side swim·pool۔side
scummy scum۔y

synch sync
searing sear۔y

tasty tasteful
seater seats۔y

tattered tattery
self-basting self۔baste۔y

taupe gray۔ish brown
self-catering self۔cater۔y

teeny-weeny teenyweeny
self-centered self۔center۔y

thirtieth thirtyeth
self-cleaning self۔clean۔y

thirtyfold thirty۔fold
self-contented self۔content۔y

thumb-size thumb۔size
self-correcting self۔correct۔y

tight-lipped tightlip
self-defeating self۔defeat۔y

tight-lipped tightlip
self-effacing self۔efface۔y

timely timely
self-executing self۔execute۔y

touristy tourist
self-focusing self۔focus۔y

trancelike trance۔alike
self-fulfilling self۔fulfill۔y

transatlantic trans۔atlantic
self-governing self۔govern۔y

transcending-natural supra۔natural
self-hardening self۔harden۔y

trans-continent trans۔continent
self-impoverished self۔impoverish۔y

transcontinental trans۔continental
self-learning self۔learn۔y

trans-nation trans۔continental
self-limiting self۔limit۔y

transnational trans۔national
self-loading self۔load۔y

trans-ocean trans۔ocean
self-locking self۔lock۔y

transoceanic trans۔oceanic
self-lubricating self۔lubricate۔y

transpacific trans۔pacific
self-perpeturating self۔perpetuate۔y

twelfth twelveth
self-raising self۔raise۔y

twentieth twentyeth
self-rising self۔rise۔y

ultra-bright ultra۔bright
self-sealing self۔seal۔y

ultra-careful ultra۔careful
self-seeking self۔seek۔y

ultra-clear ultra۔clear
self-serving self۔serve۔y

ultra-competitive ultra۔competitive
self-winding self۔wind۔y

ultra-conservative ultra۔conservative
serragated serragate۔y

ultra-courageous ultra۔courageous
shadowy shadow۔y

ultra-devout ultra۔devout
shaggy shag۔y

ultra-expensive ultra۔expensive
shaky shake۔y

ultra-feminine ultra۔feminine
shaped shape۔y

ultra-handsome ultra۔handsome
sheeny sheen۔y

ultra-high ultra۔high
shingled shingle۔y

ultra-liberal ultra۔liberal
shining shine۔y

ultra-masculine ultra۔masculine
shiny shine۔y

ultra-polite ultra۔polite
shocking shock۔y

ultra-popular ultra۔popular
shortsighted shortsight۔y

ultra-protective ultra۔protective
short-sleeved short-sleeves۔y

ultra-religious ultra۔religious
shouldered shoulder۔y

ultra-rich ultra۔rich
sickly sick۔y

ultra-short ultra۔short
sided side۔y

ultra-smart ultra۔smart
silky silk۔y

ultra-strange ultra۔strange
silvery silver۔y

ultra-strict ultra۔strict
similarly similar۔y

ultra-successful ultra۔successful
sisterly sister۔y

ultra-thin ultra۔thin
sized size۔y

unactive non۔active
sketchy sketch۔y

unadept un۔adept
skilled skill۔y

unadjacent non۔adjacent
skimpy skimp۔y

unadventurous non۔adventurous
skinned skin۔y

unaesthetic non۔aesthetic
skinny scrawn۔y

unafraid non۔afraid
skyrocketing skyrocket۔y

unaggressive non۔aggressive
slanted slant۔y

unambiguous non۔ambiguous
sleepy sleep۔y

unambitious non۔ambitious
sleeved sleeve۔y

unanalogous non۔analogous
slimy slime۔y

unanimate non۔animate
sloping slope۔y

unapologetic non۔apologetic
slumped slump۔y

unapostolic non۔apostolic
slutty slut۔y

unapparent non۔apparent
smelly smell۔y

unappealing un۔appeal۔ing
smiling smile۔y

unappetizing un۔appetize۔ing
smoggy smog۔y

unappreciable non۔appreciable
smokey smoke۔y

unappreciative non۔appreciative
smoky smoke۔y

unapprehensive non۔apprehensive
smoldering smolder۔y

unappropriate non۔appropriate
snaky snake۔y

unapt non۔apt
snob۔ish snob۔y

unarticulate non۔articulate
snowy snow۔y

unartificial non۔artificial
snuggly snuggle۔y

unartistic non۔artistic
soggy sog۔y

unaspiring non۔aspire۔ing
soothing sooth۔y

unasssertive non۔assertive
sooty soot۔y

unattentive non۔attentive
sophisticated sophisticate۔y

unattractive un۔attractive
sounding sound۔y

unaudible non۔audable
soundpitched soundpitch۔y

unauspicious non۔auspicious
soundproof sound۔proof۔y

unauthentic non۔authentic
sound-proofed sound۔proof۔y

unauthoritative non۔authoritative
speedy speed۔y

unavailable non۔available
spicey spice۔y

unavailing use۔less
spiny spine۔y

unaware non۔aware
spooky spook۔y

unbalance non۔balance
spotty spot۔y

unbecoming non۔attractive
sprawling sprawl۔y

unbefitting non۔appropriate
spunky spunk۔y

unbelieving skeptical
squeaky squeak۔y

unbeneficial non۔beneficial
squiggly squiggle۔y

unbound non۔bound
squishy squish۔y

uncapable non۔capable
staggering stagger۔y

uncareful non۔careful
star lighted star·light۔y

uncautious non۔cautious
starry star۔y

unceasing non۔ceasing
startling startle۔y

uncertain non۔certain
steamy steam۔y

unchallenging non۔challenge۔ing
steely steel۔y

unchanging non۔change۔ing
sticky stick۔y

un-characteristic non۔characteristic
stiffling stiffle۔y

uncharitable non۔charitable
stimulating stimulate۔y

unchaste un۔chaste
stinging sting۔y

uncheerful un۔cheerful
stinky stink۔y

uncivil un۔civil
stinky stiny۔y

unclad non۔clad
stitically static۔y

unclean un۔clean
stone-faced stoneface۔y

unclear non۔clear
storied floor·level۔y

unclipped un۔clip۔d
stormy storm۔y

uncognito incognito
story floor·level۔y

uncognizant non۔cognizant
straightjackety straightjacket۔y

uncoherent non۔coherent
straying stray۔y

uncohesive non۔cohesive
striking outstand۔y

uncoincident non۔coincident
stringy string۔y

uncommensurate non۔commensurate
striped stripe۔y

uncommon non۔common
stubby stub۔y

uncommunicado non۔communicado
stumpy stump۔y

uncommunicative non۔communicative
stunning stun۔y

uncompatible un۔compatible
stylish style۔y

uncompetent non۔competent
sugary sugar۔y

uncomplaining non۔complain۔ing
sulky sulk۔y

uncomplete non۔complete
summery summer۔y

uncomplex non۔complex
sunny sun۔y

uncomplicated non۔complicat۔d
sunshiny sun·shine۔y

uncomplimentary non۔complimentary
supporting support۔y

uncomplying non۔comply۔ing
supposed suppose۔y

uncomposite non۔composite
surprising surprise۔y

uncomprehensive non۔comprehensive
surprsing surprise۔y

uncomunicating non۔comunicative
surrounding surround۔y

unconcerning non۔concern۔ing
swampy swamp۔y

unconclusive non۔conclusive
sweaty sweat۔y

unconcrete non۔concrete
sweethearted sweetheart۔y

unconditional non۔conditional
sweetie sweet۔y

unconscientious non۔conscientious
sweltering swelter۔y

unconsequential non۔consequential
swirling swirl۔y

unconsiderate un۔considerate
syrupy syrup۔y

unconsistent non۔consistent
taboo taboo۔y

unconspicuous non۔conspicuous
tangled tangle۔y

unconstitutional non۔constitutional
tangy tang۔y

unconstraint non۔constraint
tantalizing tantalize۔y

unconvenient non۔convenient
tapering taper۔y

unconventional non۔conventional
tasty  good·taste۔y

unconvincing non۔convincing
tattery tatter9y

uncool un۔kool
tearing tear۔y

uncooperative non۔coaperative
teary tear۔y

uncorrect non۔correct
teasing teas۔y

uncouth un۔couth
teeming teem۔y

uncredulous non۔credulous
tempting tempt۔y

uncritical non۔critical
tenderhearted tenderheart۔y

undecisive non۔decisive
terrifying terrify۔y

undecorous non۔decorous
thatched thatch۔y

undecorum non۔decorum
thin-waisted thin۔bodywaist۔y

undelicate non۔delicate
thirsty thirst۔y

undemocratic non۔democratic
thorny thorn۔y

undemonstrative non۔demonstrative
threatening threaten۔y

underground under۔ground
three-story three-floor۔level۔y

underwater under۔water
thrilling thrill۔y

undeterminate non۔determinate
throaty throat۔y

undiplomatic un۔diplomatic
throbbing trob۔y

undiscreet un۔discreet
tightlipped tightiip۔y

undiscriminative non۔discriminative
tiled tile۔y

undistinct non۔distinct
time-consuming time-consume۔y

undistinctive non۔distinctive
tinged tinge۔y

undomestic non۔domestic
tiring tire۔y

undoubted non۔doubful
tizzy tizz۔y

undramatic non۔dramatic
toed toe۔y

undurable non۔durable
toothy tooth۔y

uneasy anxious
towering tower۔y

uneconomic non۔economic
trafficky traffic۔y

uneconomical non۔economical
trashy trash۔y

unefficient un۔efficient
treasonable las

un-efficient un۔efficient
treey tree۔y

unelastic non۔elastic
trendy trend۔y

unelegant un۔elegant
tricky trick۔y

uneligible non۔eligible
triffling triffle۔y

uneloquent un۔eloquent
trifling trifle۔y

unemotional non۔emotional
trimmed trim۔y

unenthusiastic non۔enthusiastic
tri-weekly tri۔week۔y

unenvious un۔envious
troubling trouble۔y

unequal non۔equal
trusty trust۔y

unethnical un۔ethnical
tugging tug۔y

uneven non۔even
twinkly twinkle۔y

uneventful non۔eventful
twirling twirl۔y

unexact non۔exact
twirly twirl۔y

unexclusive non۔exclusive
two-story two-floor۔level۔y

un-expensive non۔expensive
ultra-satisfied ultra۔satisfy۔y

un-expensive un۔expensive
ultra-sexy ultra۔sex۔y

unexplicit non۔explicit
un-advantaged un۔advantage۔y

unexplosive non۔explosive
unassuming unassume۔y

unexpressive non۔expressive
unbelieving non۔believe۔y

unextinct non۔extinct
unceasing non۔cease۔y

unfading non۔fading
uncivilized non۔civilize۔y

unfair un۔fair
uncommitted non۔commit۔y

un-fair un۔fair
uncomplaining non۔complain۔y

unfaithful un۔faithful
uncompromising non۔compromise۔y

un-faithful non۔faithful
unconvinced non۔convince۔y

unfamiliar non۔familiar
unconvincing non۔convince۔y

unfashionable un۔fashionable
undemanding non۔demand۔y

unfavorable non۔favorable
underaged underage۔y

unfertile non۔fertile
underhanded underhand۔y

unflattering un۔flatter۔ing
underlying underlie۔y

unfortunate un۔fortunate
underprivileged under·privilege۔y

un-fortunate un۔fortunate
undeserved non۔deserve۔y

un-frequent non۔frequent
undeserving un۔deserve-y

unfruitful non۔fruitful
undeviating non۔deviate۔y

unfunny non۔funny
undying undy۔y

unfunny non۔humorous
un-educated non۔educate۔y

unfussy non۔fussy
unending non۔end۔y

un-genuine un۔genuine
unenterprising non۔enterprise-y

unglorious un۔glorious
unexpected non۔expect۔y

ungraceful un۔graceful
unflinching non۔flinch۔y

ungracious un۔gracious
unflinching non۔flinchingly

ungrateful un۔grateful
unforgiving non۔forgive۔y

unhappy un۔happy
unfriendly un۔friend۔y

unharmonic un۔harmonic
unfulfilling non۔fulfill۔y

unharmonious un۔harmonious
ungodly un۔god۔y

unhelpful non۔helpful
unhealthy un۔health۔y

unholy un۔holy
unhesitating non۔hesitate۔y

unhuman non۔human
uninteresting non۔interest-y

unhumane un۔humane
uninviting non۔appeal-y

unhumanitarian un۔humanitarian
uniquely unique۔y

un-humid non۔humid
unlikely non۔alike۔y

unhurt non۔hurt
unlisted non۔list۔y

uniformed uniform۔clad
unlovely non۔love۔y

unimaginative non۔imaginative
unloving un۔love۔y

unimportant non۔important
unmanly non۔man۔y

unimposing non۔imposing
unmannerly non۔manner۔y

unimpressive non۔impressive
unmitigated un-mitigate۔y

unintentional non۔intentional
unnaturally non۔natural۔y

unintuitive non۔intuitive
unprecedented non۔precedent۔y

unjust un۔just
unqualified non۔qualify۔y

unkempt un۔kempt
unseasonable non۔season۔y

unkind un۔kind
unstylish non۔style۔y

unkindness un۔benevolence
unsuspecting  non۔suspect۔y

unknowing non۔know۔ing
unswerving non۔swerve۔ing

un-known non۔known
unswerving non۔swerve۔y

unlawful un۔lawful
unthinking non۔think۔y

un-lawful un۔lawful
untiring non۔tire۔y

unlikely non۔probable
untucked non۔tuck۔y

unlovable un۔lovable
unwomanly non۔woman۔y

unlucky un۔lucky
unworthy non۔worth۔y

unmasculine non۔masculine
uplifting uplift۔y

unmemorable non۔memorable
varicolored multi۔color۔y

unmerciful un۔mercyful
varying vary۔y

unmindful un۔mindful
velvety velvet۔y

unmoral non۔moral
vexing vex۔y

unmoral un۔moral
vilalizing vialize۔y

unnatural non۔natural
vomity vomit۔y

unnecessary non۔necessary
waisted waist۔y

unnerved unnerved
walled walls۔y

unobedient un۔obedient
wallflowery wallflower۔y

unobservant non۔observant
warmongoring warmongor۔y

unobtrusive non۔obtrusive
watery water۔y

un-obtrusive non۔obtrusive
wavy wave۔y

unofficial non۔official
wealthy wealth۔y

unoperative non۔operative
webbed web۔y

unopportune un۔opportune
weedy weed۔y

unopportunist non۔opportunist
weekly week۔y

unorganic non۔organic
weeping weep۔y

unoriginal un۔original
welcoming welcome۔y

unorthodox non۔orthodox
well-balanced well-balance۔y

unostentatious non۔ostentatious
wheeled wheels۔y

unpaid non۔paid
whining whine۔y

unparallel non۔parallel
whirly whirl۔y

unpatriotic un۔patriotic
whithered whither۔y

unpeaceful un۔peaceful
wholehearted wholeheart۔y

unperfect non۔perfect
wide-brimmed wide-brim۔y

unphilosophical un۔philosophic
wifely wife۔y

unphysical non۔physical
wiggly wiggle۔y

unpleasant un۔pleasant
willing willin۔y

unpopular un۔popular
wily wile۔y

unpractical non۔practical
wimpy wimp۔y

unpractical un۔practical
windy wind۔y

un-presidential un۔presidential
winning win۔y

unpretentious non۔pretentious
winnowing winnow۔y

unprofessional non۔professional
wintery winter۔y

unprofessional un۔professional
wintry winter۔y

unprogressive non۔progressive
wispy wisp۔y

unpromising non۔promising
withered wither۔y

unproportional non۔proportional
witting witt۔y

unprosperous non۔prosperous
wizardy wizard۔y

unprovocative non۔provocative
wobbly wobble۔y

unpunctual non۔punctual
womanly woman۔y

unreal non۔real
wooden wood۔y

unrealistic non۔realistic
wooing woo۔y

unreligious non۔religious
woolen wool۔y

unremarkable non۔remarkable
wooly wool۔y

unreponsive non۔responsive
wordy word۔y

unrepresentative non۔representative
worldly world۔y

unresisting non۔resist۔ing
worthy worth۔y

unrevealing non۔reveal۔ing
wrinkled wrinkle۔y

unreverent un۔reverent
yawning yawn۔y

unrighteous un۔righteous
yearly year۔y

unromantic non۔romantic
yummy yum۔y

unromantic un۔romantic
zigzagging zigzag۔y

unsafe un۔safe

unsane un۔sane

unsanitary un۔sanitary

un-sanitary un۔sanitary

unsatisfactory non۔satisfactory

unsatisfying non۔satisfy۔ing

unscientific non۔scientific

unscrupulous un۔scrupulous

unseasonal non۔seasonal

unsecure un۔secure

unselfconscious non۔selfconscious

unselfish non۔selfish

unsensible non۔sensable

unsensitive non۔sensitive

unsentimental non۔sentimental

unsignificant non۔significant

unsimilar non۔similar

unsmiling non۔smile۔ing

unsociable un۔sociable

un-sociable un۔sociable

unsocial un۔social

unsoluble non۔soluble

unsolvent non۔solvent

unspeakable unspeakable

unspiritual non۔spiritual

unsportsmanlike unsportsmanalike

unstable non۔stable

unsteady non۔steady

unsubmissive non۔submissive

unsubstantial non۔substantial

unsuccessful non۔successful

un-sufficient non۔sufficient

unsuitable non۔suitable

unsure non۔sure

unsymmetrical non۔symmetrical

unsystematic non۔systematic

untemperate non۔temperate

untenable untenable

unthankful non۔thankful

unthinkable unthinkable

unthinking non۔thinking

unthoughtful non۔thoughtful

unthrifty un۔thrifty

untidy un۔tidy

untimely un۔timely

untolerant non۔tolerant

untouchable nontouchable

untraditional non۔traditional

untrue non۔true

untruthful un۔truthful

untypical non۔typical

unuseful non۔useful

unusual non۔usual

unvalid non۔valid

unvaluable non۔valuable

unvariable non۔variable

unvarying non۔varying

unviable non۔viable

unvincible un۔vincible

unvisible non۔visible

unwatchful non۔watchful

unwavering non۔wavering

unwelcome un۔welcome

un-welcome un۔welcome

unwholesome non۔wholesome

unwieldy non۔wieldy

unwilling non۔willing

unwise un۔wise

unworldly non۔worldly

unyielding non۔yielding

up-bank up۔bank

upcoming upcomey

up-side-down up·side·down

up-side-up up۔side۔up

up-side-up up·side·up

upstanding upstandy

upstart upstart

utra-intelligent ultra۔intelligent

very approximately apap

waist-high bodywaist۔high

weariful wearyful

wee small small

well well

westbound west۔bound

wet wet

wheelbarrow-load wheelbarrow۔load

whole entire

wicked wicked

winded winded

wintertime winter۔time

wishy-washy wishywashy

woman-size woman۔size

worldwide world۔wide

worrisome worrysome

would-be wouldbe

wretched miserable

wrist-thick wrist۔thick

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