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The problem with the more than 6,000 exist۔y languages iz
that they
evolve۔d bit by bit, so lack consistency; hence most iz litter۔t with
irregularitys. That iz no problem for native childs, but a big
for adult foreignors try۔ing to learn the languages. England۔ese
iz evolve۔ing as
the international language despite native speak۔ors of only about 5% of
humanity, therefore more than two billions England۔ese language
students today
iz·not native England۔ese speak۔ors. England۔ese grammar iz
than Hindi۔ese, Arab۔ese, and continental Europe۔y languages, while
with tonal pronunciation requirements and no alphabet, require too
time for non-native speak۔ors to learn. But the average native
England۔ese speak۔ing middle·school student know 3,700 non۔regular
words, forex
England۔ese “blew” (Peoplese “blow۔d”), “blown”
(“blow۔d”), “began” (“begin۔d”), “begun” (“begin۔d”), “bit” (“bite۔d”),
(“bite۔d”), “broke” (“break۔d”), “broken” (“break۔d”), “built”
(“build۔d”) – to
name a few of the words begin۔ing with "b". A second problem
with England۔ese iz that there iz no rules or even guidelines
govern۔ing it's
growth. In the modern era words iz add۔t willynilly almost
Shall we write “database”, “data-base”, or “data base”? – a technical
edit۔or with no philology background will make the decision, which
others may
emulate. A USA or British university student need to know about
words, Oxford England۔ese Dictionary contain more than 600,000 words,
altogether more than one million England۔ese words have been
The situation, worsen۔ing year by year, iz not only torturous to
students, but
economic۔ly non۔efficient. Peoplese iz base۔d on England۔ese the way England۔ese iz base۔d on Anglo Saxon. Peoplese iz England۔ese simplify۔t, regularize۔t, clarify۔t, update۔t – plus the addition of numerous learn۔or friend۔y devices from China۔ese, Espanya۔ese, and several other languages (articulate۔d in the FAQ section), along with clear guidelines for form۔ing new words that will ultimate۔ly simplify and beautyfy the language.
Root-words. Peoplese iz base۔d on root·words to
which iz add۔d
unique mean۔ins
prefixes and suffixes. The
root-words never changes spell۔in, and iz separate۔t by the prefixes
suffixes by a hyphen۔et (half-length hyphen). For example, the
of all verbs take the form: root-verb + hyphen۔et + d, as in
live۔d, sell۔d, re۔tell۔d.
No non۔regular plurals. The plural of England۔ese
“leaf” iz
Peoplese “leafs”, of England۔ese “mice”, “mouses”. In Peoplese we
“ten thousands”, not, as in England۔ese, “ten thousand”
Only four non۔regular verbs: Peoplese learn۔ors
iz·not force۔t to
memorize hundreds of non۔regular verbs. And non۔alike
England۔ese, “s” iz
not add۔t to third-people singular present-tense verbs, thus we say “I
you come, he come, we come, they come”. (For details, click on
button.) Peoplese have no past-participles.
Prefixes with unique fix۔d mean۔ins. Any prefix
before a hyphen۔et
(half-length hyphen) have one and only one mean۔in. For example,
mean “reverse the action of the follow۔ing root verb”, so “dis۔button”
mean to
un-do what had been previous۔ly button۔d. “Re mean “again”, so re-sell” mean “again sell”,
sell to somebody
else. Not only iz the mean۔ins of prefix۔d words instant۔ly clear,
prefixes can be attach۔t to any root·word. (For details and list,
on "Grammar" → “Prefixes”.)
Suffixes with unique fix۔d mean۔ins. Alike
hyphenate۔t prefixes,
each hyphenate۔t suffix have a unique mean۔in. For example,
“-ward” mean
“in the direction of” the precede۔ing noun”. Forex out۔ward,
school۔ward, Paris۔ward, Mars۔ward, God۔ward. “Toward” iz not
because it dont mean “in the direction of “to”. Alikewise “-ness”
converts any
adjective into a noun, as in “mess۔y۔ness”. (For details and
“Grammar” → “Suffixes”.)
A big advantage of hyphenate۔t prefixes and suffixes assign۔t to
fix۔t mean۔ins iz that they can be apply۔t to any words, not only words
in a dictionary. When form۔ing new words we try to utilize
prefixes and
suffixes as much as possible, because the new hyphenate۔t word iz
recognize۔able and require no memorization.
Derivative freedom. Unlimited derivative
possibilitys iz
avail۔able in Peoplese. Words such as "daredevil۔ish",
"milktoast۔y", "orangie۔ish", "perfume۔y",
"smell۔able", "un۔wear۔able" MS Word spell-check
red-lines as errors, and a grammar teach۔or would mark they
but any intuitive۔ly comprehend۔able derivative iz permit۔t in Peoplese.
Familiar & Formal Pronouns. Any endear۔y feel۔in
results when
an Espanya۔ese-speak۔in acquaintance, refer۔ing to you, switches from usted
to tú: the relationship take۔d a subtle shift to
warm۔er. Ta
for the first time use۔d the familiar form of “you”, the pronoun use۔d
all familys and between close friends. Now it iz up to you to
respond, if
you accept ta’s subtle offer of friendship, you may respond at the next
avail۔able opportunity by refer۔ing to ta as tú. That
warm language
feature – avail۔able in vary۔y degrees also in
Hindi۔ese, Rossiya۔ese, Portugal۔ese, France۔ese,
Deutschland۔ese, i.e. many of the main languages and more
than 40 others
– iz not avail۔able in England۔ese, but it iz avail۔able in
(For details, “Grammar” → “Pronouns”.)
Elimination of Language Idiosyncrasys That Prolong Gender Bias.
Peoplese, the gender۔less pronoun "ta" (from Mandarin China۔ese) iz
when the speak۔or/write۔or dont want to specify gender. Forex,,
"Carpentor want۔d -- ta must have at least four years experience."
Function Nouns. Iz Jianguo and Neville
personal·names of males or
females? Unless you speak China۔ese or France۔ese, you
probable۔ly dont
know. Iz a farm۔or necessary۔ly a man? In the emerge۔ing
society where many womans iz final۔ly allow۔t to choose any career,
when write۔ing
or speak۔ing about somebody, the read۔or or earhear۔or dont
necessary۔ly know
the gender. Functional things in Peoplese end in “or”, forex
(a thing which amplify) and “blend۔or” (a thing that blend).
a "farm۔or" iz somebody of either gender who farms, while a
"farm۔ort" iz a male farm۔or, and a "farm۔orm" iz a female farm۔or. Similar۔ly, golf۔or, hike۔orm, inform۔ort,
kidnap۔orts, perform۔orms. And “murder۔eer” (somebody who have
murder۔t), “insult۔eerm” (a female who have been insult۔t).
iz not “somebody who foreigns”, but Peoplese assign the neutral
end۔in “or” anyway, although without the hyphn۔et, because it identify
people; thus “foreignorms” iz female foreignors. (For details,
“Grammar" →
“Function Nouns”.)
Mid-dot Words. In
Peoplese a
“mid-dot” (a raise۔d period), separate two words whose combine۔d
mean۔in iz
immediate۔by obvious. Peoplese re۔place the England۔ese noun
“watch” with
the mid-dot word “wrist∙clock”. In similar fashion it eliminate
more than
one-thousand words that students of England۔ese iz force۔t to
memorize. Forex
tooth·paste, railway·track, street·lamp, stove·pipe. (In
these words iz sometimes two separate words, sometimes one single word,
sometimes hyphenate۔d -- thus require۔ing memorization.) Mid-dot
words iz
at the heart of language simplification – discuss۔d (and list۔d) in the
and Create۔ing New Words sections. On a keyboard we can typewrite
and a mid-dot will appear; see FAQ section for instructions.
Etcetera. This Overview sections hit on
but the Grammar section iz inclusive. England۔ese speak۔ors can
read the
jumpstart page (in Learn Peoplese section), and in 20 minutes be able
to read
Peoplese with 100% comprehension; they can learn the complete language
in a
single day by read۔ing this entire website. Non-England۔ese
speak۔ors can learn Peoplese
to fluency level within two years without school۔in. Learn some
root·words, learn the 60-some prefixes and 60-some suffixes, and you iz
to sell merchandise to foreignors, launch online commerce, travel,
with foreign friends, write fiction storys. Click on the Learn
tab below, for suggestions of how to proceed. Peoplese iz what an
international linguafranca should be -- avail۔able to everybody
regard۔less of
intelligence and education level. |
Geographical Words |
Geopolitical Words |
Spiritual Words |
Dictionary | Creating New Words |
Learn Peoplese |