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Peoplese Slide Presentation

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Peoplese Introduction

                         [ Bold type, video instructions and headings.  Plain type, audio text ]

            Species Lingua Franca

                        Why Peoplese?

                        Peoplese is a species lingua franca.  It is designed to complement ethnic languages.  If someone doesn’t speak our home language, we can switch to a language they know.

            English base

                        SLIDE:  Peoplese - Introduction

                        Peoplese uses English as a base, while eliminating English’s thousands of inconsistencies.  It is completely comminicable with English speakers.  The peoplese.org website presents the entire language, along with an online dictionary, English-to-Peoplese auto-translator, a spellcheck, and much more – all free.  From the website, Peoplese can be learned by English speakers in one day, and learned from scratch to international travel level in a few months.  A breeze for children.

            Existing situation unfair and unecological

                        We can all agree that the world needs a lingua franca, but we don’t have one.  Instead, billions of people are learn۔ing the thousands of idiosyncrasies of an ethnic evolutionary language.  English typically requires, even for native speakers, ten or more years of study – not only requiring enormous resources, but increasing the divide between children those parents can afford to keep them in school that long, and those children who from economic necessity must work in fields and shops at the expense of further schooling.  It is a basic human right that everybody should have the opportunity to learn – without paying money – humanity’s lingua franca.  Peoplese enfranchises those who have been locked out of the international communication network.  And – the motivation for this project – the simple intuitive language greatly lightens the load off children.

                        The existing situation, requiring memorizing thousands of exceptions to rules, further tilts the playing field by favoring those with good memories and natural language skills, and by favoring children whose parents (who tend to be affluent) help their children with spelling or pay for tutors.  With the proliferation of English, the problem is worldwide.

            This presentation requires an open mind, and a bit of patience. 

            Pause the screen any time for longer looks.

            Note that the complete text of this presentation is available below the slide presentation image on the Peoplese website.


Requirements for a Global Lingua Franca

                        SLIDE:  Requirements of a Lingua Franca

                        What are the requirements for a global lingua franca?

            Quick and easy to learn

                        Quick and easy to learn, certainly.


                        Learn online, at home, free.  No money needed.

            Available to everybody

                        Available to everyone, everywhere.

            Spells as it sounds     

                        Each alphabet letter corresponds to one and only one sound.

                        Therefore no memorization of spelling of individual words.


                        Consistant.  Inconsistencies not only require memorization, but are easily forgotten unless periodically heard or read.



            Improves with time

                        Improves with time.

            *  Peoplese satisfies all these requirements.


Peoplese Overview

            SLIDE:  Peoplese Overview


            Open Infrastructure

                        Peoplese is a language infrastruture.  Therefore somewhat different from evolved and created languages.  Different ethnicitys will speak Peoplese with their own flavor, using their own grammar and word order, which allows cultural expression.  Chinese Peoplese speakers probably won’t use noun articles (a, an, the) except when needed for clarity; Indoeuropean language speakers probably will.  The criterion is:  Anything is acceptable Peoplese if it can be comprehended by an average Peoplese speaker.  There are various levels of Peoplese – market, conversational, commercial, specialist, literary – but no “right” and no “wrong”.

                        “Long time no see” is excellent Peoplese because it not only clearly conveys meaning with only four syllables, it includes a defiinite cultural stamp.  


                        SLIDE:  polar bear in soap bubble

                        Push air from your lungs, vibrate your vocal chords, manipulate your tongue and lips in a unique manner, and your mind has conveyed to another mind a concept.  For early humans, words gave them a competitive edge.

                        In Peoplese, a “wordpearl” is a sound with a unique meaning, and it’s unique written representation.  Wordpearls are root words, to which can be added, on either side of a half-length hyphen, prefixes and suffixes.  Each wordpearl represents one concept.  Wordpearls are like soap bubbles, or pearls, each in it’s own way, beautiful.  All early words were wordpearls. 

                        As human affairs became more complex, concepts were added to existing words.  So now “fire” (F-I-R-E)also means “shoot” (S-H-O-O-T).  The wordpearl was polluted.  Its sound is no longer a concept; it represents two concepts; by context, the receiving mind will determine which. 

                        Does the polar bear seem ready to share his wordpearl?

                        And if two definitions, why not more?  To the meaning of “fire” was added “job·terminate”.  In English today, thousands of words each have many definitions, representing many concepts.   A popular dictionary lists 31 defiitions for “clean”, 45 defintions for “clear”.  Vexing, for non-native English speakers.                               *  In Peoplese, a word is a precious unit of experssion.  Most, but not yet all, Peoplese root words are wordpearls. 

                        SLIDE:  Native English Speakers Less than 6%

                        English is difficult even for native English speakers (represented by the yellow slice of the pie), but at least they have constant verbal and written feedback of the language’s many inconsistencies.  Not so for the other 94% of humanity.

                        SLIDE     Peoplse Overview (repeat of slide)


            Of course, a species language excludes nobody.

                        All the current books published in Peoplese language use gender-neutral pronoun “ta”, T-A, meaning “he or she”, copied from Mandarin Chinese.


                        Colonial names are replaced by native names. 

                                    Thus, New Zeland becomes Aotearoa [Au-ter-o-wa]. 

                                    “Germany” becomes “Deutschland”. 

                                    Happy to see that the world is catching up to Peoplese by calling “India” “Bharat”.


                        For geographical names, Peoplese uses satellite imagery along with precise definitions of geographical features (listed on the Peoplese website).

                        When ancient Romans arrived at a shore, noticing that the water was salty, they named it “Caspian Sea”, which school children have been memorizing ever since.   It being a body of water surrounded by land, in Peoplese, “Caspian Lake”.  Similarly,  Bengal Sea, .Mediterranean Gulf, Europe subcontinent, and so on.

                        Europe-centered names, such as “Near East”, are likewise replaced. 

                        Regions, such as “Arabia” are added.


                        Peoplese is ecological in the sense that it can be learned by anybody absolutely free.  Compare that to the enormous resources currently being spent learning English.

            Honest and Straightforward

                        Is there such a thing as bad Peoplese?  Actually, yes.  Language meant to mislead, or to disguise truth, is unacceptable.   English “We are sending arms to our allies so they can take out their opposition” is translated to Peoplese as “We are sending weapons to our allies so they can kill their opposition.”   “If the price is 99.99, meaning one penny less than 100 dollars, at a time when a penny is not worth stooping for, do you trust the seller?

            Root + affix

                         SLIDE:  Root + affixes (briefly)

                        At the heart of Peoplese is the root + affix system.  Root words never change spelling, and are separatred from prefixes and suffixes by a half-length hyphen.

                                    Left column, English.  Right column, pure Peoplese.  The middle column is an interim version between the two, as will be explained later.  For now, notice how in the right column the root word stands out, never changes, modifiable by prefixes and suffixes.

                                    The so-called functional suffix, “or”, means “she or he root-verb” or “that which root-verb”.  Thus “assign۔or” means “someone or something that assigns “assign۔ōrm” refers to a female assigner; assign۔ort” a male assigner.

                        SLIDE:  Root + affixes 2

                                    Again, notice how the root word stands out.


Why so much time is required to learn English?

                        SLIDE:  Why so much time is required to learn English

                        In order to explain the full benefit of Peoplese, we must examine various aspects of English that require so much memorization and time.  (Admitedly a boring subject, which we will hurry through as quickly as possible while hitting on essentials.)  Then we will see how Peoplese eliminates or greatly minimizes each aspect – with an overall gigantic saving of time and resources, while retaining full meaning, and remaining completely communicable with English speakers.

                        English Spelling.  

                                    SLIDE:  English Spelling:  silent letters & double consonants

                                    The spelling of every English word must be memorized.  Even native English speakers, after 12 years of school, having memorized the spelling of some 20,000 words, including some 4,000 irregularly spelled words, still cannot spell perfectly.  Hence spelling bees (competitions). 

                                    Two of the biggest impediments to learning are silent letters and double consonants.  Rules exist regarding what and when, but the rules are often not followed. 

                                    By contrast, the Finnish alphabet, like that of Peoplese, has one letter for each sound.  In Finland, school children typically learn to read fluently in three months.

                                                *  Peoplese has no silent letters, no double letters.

                        Adjective & Adverb Endings

                                    SLIDE:  Adjective endings:  -able, -ible, -al, -ial, -ful, -ic, -ical, -ish, -ive, -ative, -less, -eous, -ious, -ous, -y.

                                    Besides learning the definitions of the nouns and verbs, in English we must also memorize the form of adjectives.   Despite some vague indications, there is no rule on which nouns require which adjective endings.  And English adverbs are often added not to the root word but to the root word’s adjective.  E.g. interestingly, appreciatively.  Native English speakers automatically learn and remember irregular word forms by periodically hearing and reading them; the rest of humanity must memorize and remember them.

                                    *   Peoplese require no adjective or adverb ending memorization.

                        Irregular Derivatives

                                    SLIDE:   irregular derivatives

.                                   By “derivatives” is meant variations of the root word.  Challenging for non-native English speakers is the way vowels change from long to short or vice versa between the nouns and their adjectives of some words.  The noun “courage” has a short “a”, it’s adjective “courageous”, although the “a” has changed to an “e”, is pronounced with a long “a”, to state one of many examples.  A further burden is to remember of add an “s” to each third person present-tense verb – or our grammar will be “wrong”.  I say, you say, we say, they say, but NOT he say. 

                                    *  Peoplese has only four irregular derivatives, and no spelling or word formation irregularities.  Wow!

                        Pronunciation Irregularites

                                    SLIDE:  English Pronunciation irregularities

                                    All that does not include pronunciation irregularities, which everybody but native English speakers must memorize.

                                    Alphabet.   The English alphabet has 26 letters representing approximately 43 sounds.  The vowel “a” has three sounds, the other vowels each with two sounds.  Because no exact corellation between writing and sound, the spelling of all English words must be memorized.

                                                *  Peoplese has one letter for each sound.  Peoplese pronunciation requires no memorization.  Hear it, you can spell it; read it, you can pronounce it.

                                    Syllable Emphasis (Accents).  Syllable emphasis.  For each multi-syllable English word, one syllable is pronounced louder than the others.  There is no rule for which syllable is emphasized, therefore syllable emphasis must be memorized for every word.  With a few words, the definition depends on which syllable is emphasized.  deSERT (after meal sweet) and DESSert (sandy land) are spelled the same, as are preSENT and PREsent, reCORD and REcord.

                                                For native English speakers who periodically hear the word, no problem.  Everybody else, if they want to communicate internationally, must learn which syllable is emphasized in each of thousands of words.   Emphasing the wrong syllable is usually but not always comprehendable, yet speakers are naturally reluctant to mispronounce words to foreigners for fear of loss of face – a major concern for the two billion people in eastern Asia, and everywhere a significant reason why foreign languges generally require so much time to learn, i.e. because of fear of speaking incorrectly.

                                                *  This problem vanishes in Peoplese, which has strict rules of which syllable to emphasize, according to the number of syllables of the word.


                                    SLIDE:   English Homophones

                                    Another big reason English requires so long to learn is because of it’s many homophones, identically sounding words with different meanings.  When speaking, there is seldom confusion; if there is, it is quickly clarified by the speaker.  Writing those same words, the context may or may not be adequate.  English solves the problem by spelling identically sounding words differently, to distinguish their different meanings.   The problem with this is that the spelling of each of these words must be memorized – by both native and non-native English speakers. 

                                                *  Peoplese doesn’t have any homophones.

                        Multi-meaning Words

                                    SLIDE:  return to:  Why so much time is required to learn English.

                                    English has too many word with multiple definitions. 

                        Too Many Words

                                    And English has too many words, period.  The best known English dictionaries typically list more than 175,000 root words in current usage, not including derivatives.  That is 150,000 words too many. Everything in human experience can be clearly and succinctly described with less than 25,000 root words.  For describing everything except scientific, medical, and technical issues, Peoplese generally uses less than 10,000 root words.  Anything above that number is language pollution.  Okay for native English speakers, but unnecessary for the rest of humanity.

                        Complex English Grammar

                                    As if the above stumbling blocks weren’t enough, English grammar is so complex that even native English speakers still study it in their 12th year of school.  A nightmare for non-Indoeuropean language students.

                                    It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you last.”  In that common sentence, “it’s”, although spelled with an apostrophe “s” most often used for possession, is a contraction of “it is” and, in this case, “it has”; the pronoun “it” does not refer to anything but is included because every gramatically correct sentence must contain a subject and a verb; “has” is an irregular derivative of “to have”; “it has been” is one of  two difficult verb tenses (the other is “I’ve seen”, contraction for “I have seen); “seen” needs to be learned as the past participle of “to see”; “last” in English means both “none following” and “most recent”.  For the 5.5% native English speakers, automatic; for all others, difficult.

                                    However, the sentence is acceptable Peoplese, as an ethnic choice – perhaps reflecting the intellectual bent of Europeans.

            Other Lingua Francas

                        SLIDE:  Lingua Francas, early 21st  century

                        Although English is the most popular current lingua franca, others flourish, as we can see from this chart.   Because of the history of coloniialism and imperialism by England and USA, some people feel reluctant to adopt English as their lingua franca. 

            Solution attempts

                        SLIDE:   Solution Attempts (beside heading, blank screen)

                        You have waded through the reasons why English is so costly in time and resources to learn.  Thank you for that.  Now a quick look at attempted fixes.

                        Esperanto made a valiant attempt, and today has two-million or so speakers, but that is a tiny fraction of the human population.  Esparanto is essentially a pan-European language.  Languages with ever-changing word endings are not suitable for many Asians, including Chinese, which has no word endings.

                        Reform of evolutionary languages inevitable results in the clash between progressives and traditionalists, limiting progress.  German, after decades of expensive reform, remains, from an Asian prespective, an extremely complex language.  Brazil reformed it’s spelling, after which Portugal, seeing the results, followed – therefore a preceent.  But English reform remains, as it has for centuries, a non-starter.

                        Spell-check and autocorrect are handy ways of reducing the memorization load, but they are not the ultimate answer; they require a device and a power source.  Same with auto-translations.

            We will now have a look at how Peoplese, using word roots from basic English vocabulary, eliminates or minimizes English’s time- and resource-consuming problems, with no loss of communication,   We will see why Peoplese can be learned in months, not years.


Two Versions of Peoplese

            SLIDE:  Two spelling versions of Peoplese

            There are two spelling versions of Peoplese. 

            Sound Spell Same (SSS)

                        The Sound Spell Same version is pure Peoplese.   One-to-one correspondence between spelling and sound.  Hear it, spell it; read it, pronounce it.  Each alphabet letter corresponds to one sound.  No silent – therefore no double – letters.

            Alike English

                        Alike English is a transitional version of Peoplese.  It has Peoplese structure, but with English spellings.  Because English readers can easily read it without prior instructions, they can become accustomed to the advantages of Peoplese.  The Alike English version is a stepping stone for English speakers to pure Peoplese (SSS).

                        SLIDE:  2nd look at “Root + Affixes” slide

                        Taking another look at the Roots plus Affixes table, we can see that the words in the middle Alike English column retain their English spelling, but are formed with Peoplese strucutre, which isolates root words. 


Peoplese Nuts and Bolts       

            SLIDE:  Peoplese Nuts & Bolts  (table of contents)

            Now, the nitty-gritty.  The following discussion refers to pure Peoplese, the Sound Spell Same version..

            Peoplese Alphabet

                        SLIDE:  Peoplese Alphabet:  Consonants

                        Peoplese uses the English alphabet with the following exceptions.


                                    c s or k       Example:  civic → sivik

                                                No letter “c”, replaced by either “s” or “k”, exactly the same sounds.

                                    x → ks             Example:  exit → eksit

                                                No letter “x”, replaced by “ks”, which is exactly the same sound.

                                    q → ch

                                                q  & qu are replaced by “kw” (the exact same sound).  Example:  kwik.

                                                q in Peoplese then represents the “ch” sound (as it does in Mandarin Chinese). 

                                                Example:  qurq.

                                    θ  (theta) for “th” sounds       Example:  the → θe

                                                “theta”, represents the “th” sounds, becoming the new 3rd letter of the alphabet. 

                                                a, b, theta, d, e, f...

                                    ʃ  (esh) for “sh” sound           Example:  shut → ʃut

                                                “esh”, represents the “sh” sound, becoming the third to last letter of the alphabet.                                                w, esh, y, zee.

                                    To summarize, Peoplese has letters for ch, sh, and th sounds.

                                    “Y” is a consonant, not a vowel.

                                    Peoplese alphabet:  a, b, θ, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, ʃ, y, z.

                                                A, B, Θ, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, ꝭ, Y, Z.


                                    SLIDE:  the above letter s with examples for each pronunciation   a as in ma, etc.

                                                Include link to spelling page of website.

                                    The five vowels each have long and short forms.

                                    Short vowels:  a, e, i, o, u      

                                                As in:  ma, bed, it, off, up

                                    Long:  ā, ē, ī, ō, ū      

                                                Each long vowels  pronounced like the letter’s name,

except “u” without the “y” sound, there ‘oo” , rhymes with “shoe”. 

ā, ē, ī, ō, ū as in:  day, me, my, go, blue.

                                    On your keyboard, press the “alt”key while pressing the vowel, and a letter with a line above it will appear.  This is easily set up with a macro – instructions in FAQ section of Peoplese website.  Similar for hyphnette, mid-dot, and letters theta and esh.

            Peoplese Spelling

                        SLIDE:  Peoplese Spelling  (rīm, …), and Demonym examples

                        Peoplese spelling is so easy, that you have just learned everything you need to know to spell any Peoplese word you hear.

                        So to spell “rhyme”:  r  + long I (from a, e, i, o, u) + m: = rīm.

                        In Peoplese, how would you spell “shame”?  ʃām. 


                                    Demonyms refer to residents of a locale.  Peoplese eliminates the need to memorize demonyms for the 200-plus nations,   If the name of the nation ends in a consonant, “an” is added, to refer to a resident of that nation.  If the national name ends in a vowel, “n” is added.  So “Bolivian, Pakistanan, Espanyan.

                                    Likewise for any geographical entity.  A person from Paris?  Parisan.

                                    In the slide, Brazilians spell their nation with an “s”, not a “z”,  Danes spell their nation with 2 a’s.  Citizens of Spain call their nation “Espanya”. 

                                    *  All English demonyms must be memorized; in Peoplese no demonyms need be memorized.

            Eliminating multi-meaning words

                        SLIDE:  examples of mid-dot words

                         The downside of cleansing the dictionary of polluted words is that new words must be created.   How does Peoplese create wordpearls from polluted English words (with multiple meanings)?  The preferred method is mid-dot words. 

                        Mid-dot words

                                    Historically, Chinese had the same problem as current English:   huge numbers of words that sound۔d the same but with different meanings.  Chinese scholars in the 1920s solve۔d the problem by combining two words to become a new two-ideogram word – a big change in the mellinneiums-old language.                                        Peoplese copied this innovation, creating mid-dot words.  A typical mid-dot word is two words separated by a mid-level period.  If you know the meanings of both words, you will automatically know the meaning of the mid-dot word.  No learning, no memorization required.

                                    Example:   wrist·clock.  You never hard the word, but you know the meaning.  Therefore “watch” is no longer polluted; it is now a wordpearl, meaning “look at something moving”.  Note that “wrist·clock” is also a wordpearl.

                                    Mid-dot words are guessable – or maybe your guess it better than the popular one, and will spread.

                                    * Peoplese has more than 1,400 mid-dot words, and counting.  A list of most mid-dot words is available on the peoplese.org website.

                        Compound Words

                                    Compound words

                                    SLIDE:  Peoplese Compound Words - 1

                                                Creating compound wordpearls from English words with multiple definitions

                        While waiting for some creative person to devise a mid-dot word for a concept, our second choice is a compound word.  A compound word typically uses a common English word combined with another word that hints at it’s meaning.  For example, “die” (D-I-E) has a common meaning (cease living); less common “dye” (in English spelled D-Y-E), which refers to a substance for changing color, becomes Peoplese “colordye” (one word with no internal punctuation).  Thus we have combined a word in English (the most common ethnic language) with a hint of it’s meaning.  Compound words are therefore relatively easy to remember. 

                        “Chainsaw” is an example of an English compound word that is also Peoplese.  We retain the original definition of “fan” (a device for creating air movement), so we do not convert it to, for example, “windfan”.  I’m an admirefan of Taylor Swift.


                                    Combining word pairs into one new word

                                    SLIDE:  Peoplese Compound Words – 2

                                                Combining 2 English words into one Peoplese compound word

                                                English “of course” (two words)  makes no sense.  Of what course?  English word pairs that function as a single word, Peoplese converts into a single word.  So in Peoplese, “ofcourse” is one word.  Likewise, candybar (which isn’t a bar); “headcold” (which isn’t cold).  Note that “burybomb”, like all compound words, doesn’t qualify as a mid-dot word      , because when hearing it the first time we are not certain of it’s meaning.  But upon learning that it means a bomb buried underground, it is relatively easy to remember. 


                        SLIDE:  Prefixes

                                    This is a sample from the prefix page of the Peoplese website.  English speakers will notice that these prefixes are familiar.  “After-” is used instead of English “post-”, which has another meaning.  Intuitive “both-” replaces English “ambi-”.

                        SLIDE:  Suffixes

                                    Likewise for suffixes.  Notice that Alike English version of Peoplese retains the English spelling; not so with the SSS version.

            Peoplese adjective endings

                        SLIDE:  Peoplese adjective endings

                         In Peoplese, the standard method for forming an adjective is to add “hyphenette y” to the root word (e.g. continue۔y); however, standard English adjective endings are acceptable (e.g. continuous, continual).  Note that “continuous it is a separate word that must be memorized, while “continue۔y” requiring no memorization.  You may know the word “continue”, but have forgotten how to form the adjective – a common plight when learning English in a non-English-speaking region – or you don’t know the difference between “continuous” and “continual”.

                        Likewise, English “angry” must be memorized.  “Feverish” is a misnomer; which in English does not mean “similar to but different than a fever”.  “Caring” is a verb form that English doubles as an adjective; same with “thatched”.  “Seasonable”, doesn’t mean “able to season”.  And so on.

            Peoplese is so quick and easy to learn in part because it uses roots words (most from English) that never change spelling, along with prefixes and suffixes (each with a unique meaning and spelling) separated from the root word by a half-length hyphen called hyphnette. 

            Peoplese Grammar

                        SLIDE:  Peoplese Grammar Table of Contents, copied from the Peoplese website

                        Peoplese grammar includes guidelines, as seen on this table of contents from the webpage.

                                    Deviations from guidelines are accepable Peoplese if they can be understood by average Peoplese speakers.  Variation is encouraged as a mean of cultural and individual expression.  Peoplese speakers can utilize their ethnicity’s grammar, if necessary with modifications so that it will be understood. 

                        Peoplese, like English, is a subject-verb-object language, but any comprehendable word order is accepable.  A person from Japan might say, “Store I now go.”  A Bolivian, “Now I am going to go to the store.”  An Englandman, “I will go to the store now”   A man from China, “Now I go store.”   Much opportunity for expression.

                        There are many more features that render Peoplese easier to learn and use – too many, unfortunately, to articulate for this presentation.  Available on the Peoplese website.

            Improves with time

                        SLIDE:  Improves with time

                        English is becoming more chaotic year by year.

                        By contrast, Peoplese is designed to simplify and beautify with time.  As world citizens, we would naturally take pride in our lingua franca – whether Peoplese or a more suitable language.  The purification of language is a work in progress.  Everybody, including children, are encouraged to consciously improve their lingua franca by passing along the best, and avoid passing along the worst (especially new definitions for existing words), and creating new mid-dot and compound words for all the new things coming.  Alas, current Peoplese still contains polluted words – to convert them to wordpearls, much work to be done.  Everybody is a potential mid-dot word creator:   try a new one; if it hits the spot, maybe it will catch on.

                        Creative writers in various cultures would naturally ethnicize Peoplese in their literature.

                        For those who want to beautiful Peoplese, perhaps the French and Brazilians will lead the way.  From the website spelling page we hear that Peoplese consonant, “j” is best pronounced like the French “j”, close to English “vision”.  Consonant “r” ideally involves a slight roll of the tongue, equivalent to the “r” in “pero” (meaning “but”) in Spanish.  The best Peoplese is spoken in a sing-song manner that Brazilians call “fala contando”, speaking singing.

            Comparison of English and Peoplese

                        SLIDE:  comparison of English and Peoplese

                        Lets quickly compare the two languages.

                        Words whose spelling must be memorized:  English, all words.  Peoplese, none.

                        Irregular English derivatives memorized by typical USA high-school graduates:  4,000 plus words.  By university graduates. many more.  How long would it take you to learn 4,000 irregular spellings of words in a foreign language?  If you are a typical student:  ten years.  Total irregular Peoplese derivatives:  four words.

                        Adjective forms of each noun that must be memorized:  English all nouns.  Peoplese, none.

                        Words whose syllable emphasis must be memorized:  English, all words.  Peoplese, none.

                        Political baggage.  English, much.  Peoplese, none.

                        Teaching cost.  World around, more resources are spent teaching English than the total value of all goods and services produced and sold in each of 150 nations.  Peoplese teaching costs:  a drop in the bucket.

            Critics answered

                        SLIDE:   Critics Answered page (with heading only)

                        Critic:  But by limiting each word to one meaning, we must learn more words. 

                                    Answer:   True, but the new words are either mid-dots (no memorization needed) or compounds (which contain hints, thus easy to memorize

                        Crittic:  Historically, derived langauages have been failures.

                                    Answer:  True, but that defeatist objection could have been applied to most inventions.

                        Critic:  With less sounds than English, and with emphasis on different syllables in some words, Peoplese won’t sound the same as English.

                                    Answer:  True, but simliar enough to be easily comprehendable.  No different than current varieties of English.

                        Critic:  I don’t know anybody who speaks Peoplese.   Why should I learn it?

                                    Answer:  So you can help spread it.  Your part in language ecology.  Join a Peoplese chat group.

                        Critic:  That answer is not realistic.  Impossible to expect people to learn a language that nobody knows.

                                    Answer:  False.  For example, after the language is professionalized, Taylor Swift could announce one of her short press releases in Peoplese language, and present to reporters a written copy in pure Peoplese.  Considering her phenomenal popularity, that could be enough to jumpstart the language.  A precedent for other influencers.  Conceivably, in coming centuries, Taylor will be known less for her sensational music than as the mother of Peoplese.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

            Current State of Peoples in spring 2024

                        SLIDE:  list of “Current State of Peoplese -- Done so far”

                        Peoplese can be learned at zero cost from it’s 50-plus page website, which includes an online dictionary, spell-check, English to Peoplese computerized translator, audio pronunciation guide, default grammar, vocabulary lists of various sizes and types, and much more.   The website is translated into English, Arabic, Chinese (both simplied and traditional characters), Russian, Spanish, and Hindi (Hindi only partially).

                        Thousands of pages of literature have been published exclusively in Peoplese language, with story settings around the planet, in books available on Amazon.com.

                        The language  name “Peoplese” is a registered trademark in India, China, European Union, and USA.  In year 2024 the ten-year trademark registrations were renewed (at a cost of thousand of dollars), almsot four thousand.

                        SLIDE:  list of “Current State of Peoplese – Still to do”

                        However, after 43 years of development, still, before presentation to the public, more to do.  Including…

                        No phone-ap yet.  A crucial missing piece for Asians and Africans, who represent the bulk of humanity, and generally connect electonically with a smart phone.

                        No teaching component.  The language can be learned by reading the entire website (a day’s work), but it needs a first-class teaching component, including stepped assignments, geared to different age groups, video teachers, and so on.

                        The 75,000 word Online Dictionary needs a remake.

                                    It’s format  is amaturish

It contains typos.

                                    Most dictionary words lack definitions, needed with copyright acknowledgement per definition – a big job.

                                    Geographical and geopolitical names are not yet added. 

                                                Peoplese has a worker who can do it, not yet asked.

                                    The thesaurus is partially completed but not yet added to the dictionary.

                                    To be taken seriously, Peoplese needs a dictionary equivalent to other major dictionaries.

                        The computerized English to Peoplese translator contains noticeable bugs – which must be fixed.

                        Peoplese website will soon undergo an update, which will require updating the website translations, and completion of the Hindi translation.  Not yet translated into Portuguese and French. 

                        The grammar section needs work by a profesional.  (We have a linguistics professor in mind.)

                        This powerpointish presentation needs to be translated into the various languages, and added to the website.

                        All these tasks can be completed by spring of 2026, assuming funding. 

                        Peoplese must appear professional, not amaturish as now.  A public presentation with sloppy material (e.g. typos) would open Peoplese to rightful ridicule, and perhaps – not unlikely considering the current media situation in which online misconceptions are almost impossible to reverse – perhaps permanently blacken it’s reputation, dooming its chance to spread. 

                        Promotional activities have been planned, but not yet begun – awaiting completion of the above.

                                    Ads in Taiwan, as a stepping stone to China.

                                    Ads in Spanish for Women’s World Cup 2027, another example.

                        Peoplese needs an administrator, first to oversee the above preparation tasks, then to supervise mass-marketing, and to manage a small group of people to maintain and periodically update the website and dictionary into the distant future, while overseeing ongoing purification and beautification of the language.

                        In summary, the current Peoplese infrastructure is in place, but before it is mass-marketed, it must be profesionallized.

            Donors Needed

                        SLIDE:  with link to donor page of website

                        The Corona virus pandemic smashed the financial infrastructure of this expensive project, then centered in Asia, and involving participants from around the planet.  Since then, much of the work has stopped.  To complete preparation of this needful humanitarian project – professionize it for mass-marketing – requires  donations.  Donations can be made from the www.peoplese.org website; link at bottom of home page.  Any amount is helpful and appreciated.  No donor information is retained.   Large donations will enjoy non-profit tax deduction status.  Note that Peoplese language and it’s expensive auto-translator is available to everybody, everywhere, absolutely free, but it is certainly was not, is not free to develop, professionalize, then mass-market.


                        SLIDE:  video of childs with soap bubbles

                        Clear, unambiguous, intuitive Peoplese, quick and easy to learn at zero cost to comsumers, can drastically reduce people’s lingua franca learning time – with enormous humanitarian, cultural, educational, ecological, economic, and societal, not to mention linguisitic, benefits, along with a boost in the happiness of children, (the original motivation for this project and its chief beneficiaries).  The language has been legitimized by the publication of literature books exclusively in Peoplese language.  The core vocabulary of Peoplese is based on English words that more than a billion people already know.  Peoplese’s open language structure opens the door to cultural expression.  Total time learning to spell words is reduced from one decade to one day.  It’s ease of learning further levels the playing field.  Flexible grammar eliminates years of study.  Because there is no “wrong”, speakers need not fear making mistakes.  Native names are used.  Peoplese favors no nation, no ethnicity, no gender, no anything.  

                        [small pause]

                        It is a human right to have an opportunity to learn, gratis, people’s lingua franca.  Peoplese enfranchises the disenfranchised.

                         The language viewpoint is species, now global, perhaps one day galactic.


                        Why Peoplese?  Why not?





  Dictionary   Creating
New Words